To Report an Absence or Tardy, call (734) 994-1989 or email
When reporting an absence please include the following information:
  • Student's full name 
  • Student's ID number
  • Reason for absence
  • Exact time and day of absence(s) 

All members of the Forsythe Middle School community are responsible for making attendance procedures work effectively. The Attendance Policy supports teaching and learning through continuity in the classroom.

The procedure for excusing a student’s absence requires that parents/guardians to notify the Attendance Office within 24 hours of the day that the student is absent. A phone call or email from a parent/guardian is required to excuse a student’s absence. A formal note from a Physician may be accepted. 

The Student's Duty is to:

  • Be in the classroom when the second bell rings.
  • Make arrangements with their teacher to make up work upon returning from an excused absence.
  • Know their attendance record.
  • Attend all classes unless excused by a parent or guardian, are excused by a school-sponsored activity (e.g., AWAY athletic game)
  • Inform their teacher of the excused absence ahead of time, and complete assignments beforehand, if possible

Please note that vacations are not excused absences.


If your child becomes ill during the school day, we will notify you by telephone. Your child may lie down for up to 15 minutes. If further rest is needed, a parent will be contacted to assist in providing the appropriate care to support the student and his/her medical needs.

Medications may only be given with a doctor's prescription, written directions, and written permission from the parent or guardian.  All medications must be in their original containers. This includes inhalers and over-the-counter medication such as motrin or asprin.