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Counseling Team


  1. As you come into the classroom, READ THE BOARD and make sure you have all MATERIALS needed for class.
  2. LISTEN attentively (eye contact, no talking, tapping, fidgeting, etc.)
  3. Use class time wisely - STAY ON TASK.
  4. Ask questions - GET INVOLVED.
  5. Carefully copy assignments in your PLANNER.


 7. Study for all TESTS & QUIZZES.

 8. Set aside time every night for HOMEWORK.

 9. If ABSENT, call a "STUDY BUDDY" and check the assignment clipboard, or with the teacher when you return.  Make up the work as soon as possible.

 10. Stay ORGANIZED. Go through your BINDER and check POWERSCHOOL at least once each week. Complete unfinished work and turn it in.

Counseling Resources:




U of M Psychiatric Emergency Service: (PES)  (734) 936-5900.  U of M Hospital, 1500 Medical Center Drive. Ann Arbor.   Reception: Emergency Medicine.


St. Joseph Children & Adolescent Psychiatric services: (784) 786-2301.  (800) 289-0014 Toll Free.


Safehouse:  24hr hotline (734) 995-5444.  Shelter for domestic violence.

Business line: (734) 973-0242.


SOS  Crisis Center:  Hotline (734) 484-4300.  Business line: (734) 485-8730.  Help in housing, food distribution, emergency shelter. 


SOS Community Crisis Center:  (734) 484-2122.   Sexual abuse treatment.


Washtenaw Child Advocacy Center: (734) 544-2925.  Provides a child friendly, protective environment for the investigation and intervention of all cases of child sexual abuse in Washtenaw County.


Ozone House: 24hr hotline (734) 662-2222.  Safe Stay (ages 10-17)


Ele’s Place:  A Healing Center for Grieving Children:  Ann Arbor Area: (734) 929-6640.


Catholic Social Services:  (734) 971-9781.  4925 Packard St.  Ann Arbor, MI 48108.


Michigan Mental Health Networker:


U of M Center for the Child & family:  734-764-9466.

Counseling, therapy, & mental health services to children and families for:

Learning Disabilities, Social Skills, Evaluations & Assessments, IQ testing, ADHD Evaluations, Emotional & Behavioral Concerns, Parenting, Grief & Loss, Relationship issues for Marriage and Couples.


Ann Arbor Center For The Family:  995-5181.

Family, Child & Adolescent Services.


Peace Neighborhood Center: 734-662-3564. 1111 N. Maple Rd. Ann Arbor, MI 48103. Mission is to provide programs for children, families, and individuals who are affected by social and economic problems.  Peace helps people discover options, enhance skills, and make choices that lead to self-sufficiency and positive community involvement.  Tutoring/mentoring.


Sullivan, Nolan, Krone, Moesta, & Associates:  (734) 426-0032.  8110 Jackson Rd. Ann Arbor, MI 48103.  Evaluative, therapeutic, and consultative services to children, adults & families.


Huron Valley Consultation Center:  (734) 662-6300.

Adult, Child & Family Therapy, Couples, Evaluations, Psychological testing, bilingual services.


Huron Valley Child Guidance Clinic:  (734) 434-2034.  Youth with Serious Emotional Disturbance and Persons with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.


The ADD Center of Ann Arbor:  (734) 761-4717.

Medication, Therapy & Counseling, Neurofeedback.


U of M Depression Center:  1-800-475-MICH (6424) or (734) 936-4400, or email us at


U of M Community Family Health Center:  (734) 998-6117.  1230 N. Maple, Ann Arbor, MI


Packard Community Clinic:  (734) 971-1073.   3174 Packard Rd. Ann Arbor, MI


U of M Ypsilanti Family Practice: (734) 482- 6221.  200 Arnett, Ypsilanti, MI


Neighborhood Health Clinic:  (734) 544-6900.  111 N. Huron St. Ypsilanti, MI


Planned Parenthood:  (734) 973-0710.  3100 Professional Dr.  Ann Arbor, MI


Washtenaw County Hearing & Vision Screening:  (734) 544-6700.  555 Towner, Ypsilanti, MI


Sight For Students Program:  (888) 290-4964.  Vision Service Plan (VSP) eye care benefits. Free eye care and eyeglasses to eligible children.


Kumon Math & Reading Center Ann Arbor East:  (734) 761-4648.  2741 Plymouth Rd.  Math Skills, lessons, practice, all levels, learn and review, on-line and free.




826 Michigan:  (734) 761-3463.  115 E. Liberty St. Ann Arbor, MI


Raszersharp Tutoring: 734-786-2666.  412 Longshore Dr. Ann Arbor, MI 48105


Washtenaw Learning Disability Tutors Association:


Free or Low Cost Clothing and Household Items:


Ann Arbor PTO Thrift Shop:  (734) 996-9155.  2280 S. Industrial, Ann Arbor, MI


Kiwanis:  (734) 665-0450.  200 S. First St. Ann Arbor, MI


Reuse Center, Recycle Ann Arbor:  (734) 222-7880.  2420 S. Industrial, Ann Arbor, MI


Salvation Army Thrift Shop:  (734) 332-3474.  1621 S. State St. Ann Arbor, MI


St. Vincent de Paul Store:  (734) 761-1400.  1001 Broadway, Ann Arbor, MI


The Thrift Shop of Ann Arbor:  (734) 662-6771.  3530 Washtenaw, Ann Arbor, MI


The Thrift Shop of Ypsilanti:  (734) 483-1226.  14 S. Washington, Ypsilanti, MI